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Monday, October 14, 2013

6 Easy Weight Loss Tips For Those Who Cannot Stick to a Diet

Here are 6 easy weight loss tips for those who cannot stick to a diet. If you are frustrated by the fact that you just cannot seem to stay committed to dieting yet you desperately want to get the weight off then this article was written with you in mind.

Easy Weight Loss Tips

1. Use mindful eating. The best way to avoid overeating is to eat mindfully. This naturally slows you down and allows you to feel full on less food and less calories. Take the time to notice your food before eating it, pause to look at it and smell it before putting it in your mouth to taste it.

2. Cut back on calorie drinks. Getting calories from drinks that contain sugar or carbs such as soda or flavored coffee drinks can easily sabotage your weight loss efforts.

3. Pre-portion your snacks. Never eat directly out of the box, bag or carton. Measure out a single portion and put it in a bowl. You will naturally avoid overeating.

4. Make exercise part of your to-do list. By making exercise a scheduled part of your day you will be much more inclined to fit it in.

5. Reduce stress. When you are under stress your metabolism can become less efficient at burning fat and your body will produce stress hormones which can increase your body's ability to make fat.

6. Get sleep. Your metabolism must have time to recharge overnight in order to work well during the day. Aim for a minimum of 7 quality hours of sleep a night.

Start using these easy weight loss tips and you will regain your sense of being in control and soon see the rewards showing up on the scale.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Can You Lose Weight Fast In A Week

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