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Thursday, October 3, 2013

10 Top Tips For Weight Loss Success

Here are 10 tips to get you on your way to weight loss success.

1. Know your outcome. What do you want? What is your final moment of success?

2. List your reasons. Why do you want this, what will it do for you and what is important to you about achieving this goal?

3. Write your goal down. State it in a positive and as if you have already achieved it. For example: I now weigh a trim, slim, energetic XX kilograms.

4. Visualise your goal. Visualise yourself at your goal weight on a daily basis. Picture your success in your mind.

5. Action Steps. Make a list of all the action steps you need to take to reach your goal.

6. Avoid negative influences. In the beginning, stay focused and avoid negative people and environments.

7. Think positive. Replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk.

8. Who is the most important person in the world? You are! Love yourself, you deserve it!

9. Be prepared. Be ready for challenges and obstacles. Have plans in place.

10. Never give up. Fall over seven times, get up eight. Keep on keeping on and go for it!

Remember weight loss can be hard at first. If you have continually failed in the past it would be well worth your while to seek expert advice from a fitness professional/personal trainer. They can help with design of an exercise and nutrition program suited to your needs as well as providing much needed support and motivation.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss Workouts

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