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Monday, September 30, 2013

How Does the Green Tea Weight Loss Plan Work?

If you haven't yet heard of the green tea weight loss plan you can be assured that it will only be a matter of time. But how effective is the plan? How does it actually work?

Green tea is a relatively new addition to the "weight loss food" category, foods that are deemed to help us to lose weight effectively. Research suggests that it helps to reduce weight by stimulating the body's thermogetics process. This in turn increases energy output and as a result encourages the body to oxidize fat stores.

Green tea, unlike other products that aid weight loss, does not put any undue pressure on the heart making it a safe option for people who have cardiovascular problems. However it does contain caffeine so other drinks containing coffee are probably best avoided whilst on this diet.

If you are serious about losing weight, it is important to be aware of the fact that the input of calories needs to be less than the output for success to be realised. The input is of course referring to the food you eat whereas the output normally refers to the energy used to burn calories. In the case of green tea weight loss plan, the energy output can be increased by approximately 4 %

As with all diets you have to be sensible about the foods you eat. This tea is not to be viewed as a magic potion. It will only help you to lose weight if you are making every effort to stick to a sensible dietary regime.

Green tea also has many health benefits, in particular it contains the antioxidants necessary for a healthy immune system.

So if you are already following a sensible weight loss plan adding green tea into the equation will undoubtedly increase your body's ability to lose weight and at the same time will be offering extra immune support via the powerful antioxidants that it contains.

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Holistic Weight Loss Process and Yoga

Holistic wellness concept includes many different aspects and the healthy weight loss is one of them. Some of the available weight-loss programs are based on the holistic approach to the weight loss process. These programs can help you not only lose weight but also keep it off.

Holistic weight loss concept is based on the unity of body and mind.

Through holistic nutrition, detoxification and exercise you can take good care of the physical body. Through yoga, meditations, affirmations and other mind clearing/programming techniques you can increase your self-awareness and start loving and accepting yourself the way you are. Only through self-love and self-acceptance positive changes are possible. These techniques will also help you visualize the reality you want so you will perceive yourself as a slim person even before you lose weight. By taking care of the physical body and using the mind clearing/programming techniques you will not only lose weight but will also be able to keep your ideal weight afterwards and improve substantially your health. This is the holistic approach to the weight loss process.

Even though yoga is mentioned here as a mind clearing technique, it plays a much bigger role in the weight loss process.

How yoga can help you lose weight?

1. Yoga activates energy centers (chakras) that are related to major endocrine glands. It helps clear the energy blockages so energy can move freely and underlying glands can function optimally. Among other vital functions glands regulate the body's metabolism - the fat burning process.

2. Yoga provides a gentle massage to our internal organs including digestive organs. This improves the functioning of the body in general and digestive organs in particular and promotes detoxification of the body.

3. Yogic breathing exercises help calm the mind, increase self-awareness and alleviate stress. These changes are subtle. They become noticeable after three-four months of regular practice.

This way yoga promotes weight loss in three different ways: by allowing the vital energy to move freely and thus regulating imbalances in the body, by massaging internal organs and improving their functioning including elimination and detoxification functions, by increasing our self-awareness through breathing exercises. The increased self-awareness makes us ready for positive changes from inside out.

For these reasons yoga is an important part of many holistic weight loss programs.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

HCG Diet - Weight Loss Stalled?

Has your weight loss stalled while on the HCG Diet? Try these suggestions to help you get over the hurdle.

First, let's check and make sure you are following the diet protocol properly!

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Experience Flax Seed Weight Loss

Make dieting tasty and achievable

Everyone knows that eating salads with no dressing and running on a treadmill for hours on end is definitely no fun. Yet each day, millions of people keep jumping on the treadmill as well as making eating a tasteless chore. So why in the world do people put themselves through this agony? They do it for the sake of weight loss. Unfortunately, most people give up on shoveling bland food into their mouths and tiresome workouts, which often puts them back to where they started and with nothing to show for their efforts. Little do they know, this process can be made a lot simpler with the addition of flax seed to their diet.

Fatty acids found in flax seed aid weight loss

Flax seed weight loss is a new concept to most people. One that still puzzles them even after it is explained. Flax seed weight loss actually occurs because of the presence of two fatty acids contained in flax seed's oil known as Linolenic (Omega 3) and Linoleic (Omega 6). The fact that two sources of fat can help with weight loss often confuses people. But when combined, these two fatty acids work together to become prostaglandins, which in turn, play a big role in calorie burning throughout the body. Not limited to weight loss benefits, prostaglandins also help control cholesterol, body temperature, the immune system, brain functions, and the cardiovascular system.

Flax seed provides all necessary nutrients

Though Omega 3 is found in other foods, the typical person doesn't consume enough of it to produce the same results as seen with flax seed weight loss. Omega 6 is found in lots of different foods, but without Omega 3, it will never become a prostaglandin. That's why it is necessary to supplement a regular diet with flax seed in order to ensure that one is getting enough Omega 3, because it is often scarce in a normal diet. So next time you go to climb on the exercise bike or ingest those vanilla flavored tofu bars, remind yourself of flax seed so that your life and weight loss aspirations can be made a easier and tastier.

For More Related Topics Blog: Fast Weight Loss At Home

Friday, September 27, 2013

CoQ10 Benefits - CoQ10 Benefits For Weight Loss

If your diet isn't producing the results you're looking for, CoQ10's benefits for weight loss could be just what you need.

Coenzyme Q10 is a naturally occurring substance found in every cell. Its ability to neutralize and even repair free radical damage has gotten it a lot of press as an effective anti-aging supplement. However its primary function - assisting with the production of energy at the cellular level - also makes it important to achieving and maintaining healthy body weight.

The coenzyme is found in the cellular mitochondria, where it helps with breaking down fats and other nutrients and converting them to energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The body's immune, digestive, and other systems are powered by this energy.

CoQ10 is known to enhance metabolism, which in turn gives us more energy, greater endurance, and an improved ability to lose body fat. It also maximizes the body's ability to convert food to fuel, which helps normalize fats and sugars in the blood.

Though the body naturally manufactures the coenzyme, the ability to produce it decreases with age. It is believed that CoQ10 production may start to drop in early adulthood, which could be one reason that losing weight is often a challenge for older people.

A study published in the International Journal of Complementary Medicine tracked 100 morbidly obese patients, all on a calorie-restricted diet. Blood levels of the coenzyme were found to be low in more than half the the participants.

The participants with low levels of the coenzyme were given a 100 mg daily supplement, while the remaining participants took no nutritional supplements. After two months, the group taking the supplement had lost an average of 30 pounds, while those taking no supplements lost an average of 13 pounds.

While researchers stress that taking supplemental CoQ10 is not a guarantee of weight loss, deficiency of the coenzyme could definitely have an adverse impact on weight loss efforts.

Green Tea For Weight Loss - A-Z of Using Green Tea For Losing Weight Safely and Effectively

Are you looking to lose weight and wondering if green tea can help your cause. Below are some of their properties.

1. Flavanoids - alters norepinephrine, a hormone that monitors the calories burned. Through this substance, more calories are burned by the body.

2. Catechin polyphenols - this substance promotes the fat burning environment in the body. Through combination with other green-tea ingredients, catechin can be a very potent ingredient used to lose weight.

The Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea

Most weight loss products today contain substances which make your heart go faster. There are also other side effects which may be detrimental to your health. But with green-tea, no adverse effects can be expected. The substance is very safe to consume and is extremely beneficial to your health.

Maximizing The Effects Of Weight Loss

Losing weight is made even more possible through the help of a good diet plan and exercise. Although the tea itself is useful enough, adding a diet plan and a regular exercise program may provide more positive effects on your body. Because it provides a fat burning environment, it is easier to lose weight if coupled with other weight loss programs.

Some Ideals And Weight Loss

It is a general name for the herbal product. This supplement can come in many brands. You need to do research and choose a good brand which can provide pure green-tea extracts. The product also has to be derived through natural means so safety and efficacy can be guaranteed.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Good Night's Sleep Needs To Be A Priority For Successful Weight Loss

Did you ever think that there could be any link between sleep and losing weight? Well surprisingly enough there is. The idea of losing weight while you sleep may not be entirely untrue. In fact the amount of sleep you get does have a direct bearing on how much weight you might be able to lose.

Weight loss is governed by many factors but one of the biggest ones is stress. When the body is stressed out it hangs onto those pounds and you will find it hard to loose weight. When the body gets stressed due to lack of sleep it will automatically go into an emergency state and try to keep all resources ready. One of these resources is fat. The body will not allow any utilization of the fat cells when it is in a state of stress. This means that however hard you try to lose those pounds your body will try to prevent any weight loss.

So how can we persuade our physical beings that it is all right to release those pounds? By making a positive effort to get a good night's sleep. It will take a little organization but will be well worth it. Most of us do need at least 6-8 hours of sleep and anything less will cause us to get into that stress zone.

Sleep is very largely a matter of habit. All to often we get into a habit of going to bed late and then having to get up early for work. This gives us a tired and sleepy feeling all day and deprives us of energy, which reflects on our ability to concentrate and work. To try to counter this we take sugar snacks to try to give ourselves a quick energy fix. Sugar will give us a high of energy for a short period of time but will then make us feel more tired than ever. Throughout the day we continue with this regime, resulting in another unhealthy habit, junk food snacks. This will lead to weight gain.

As you can see, this is yet another way that sleep deprivation can affect your weight. So be easy on yourself and get to the root of the problem. When you make a determined effort to get your sleep, you will indeed go a long way on your journey to successful weight loss.

5 Tips For Fast Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Have you tried various fad diets but struggled to stick to them? You can quite easily lose 10 pounds if you follow these simple diet tips. You're going to have to pay attention to what you eat but you won't have to give up tasty, fresh and healthy food including snacks. Eat plenty of vegetables and if you crave sweet things, keep your sweet tooth satisfied with your favorite fruits instead of chocolate. I know it isn't the same, but you'll do OK.

This is a balanced and flexible plan and one that you can use for as long as you want, whenever you want. You won't need to go without your favorite things, but you'll have to have a little less of them. Keep to these simple ideas to get started, or when you're almost down to your target weight, or even to get yourself kick-started when you've hit a block.

1. If you are currently drinking whole (full fat) milk, reduce to 2% (or semi-skimmed), and from 2% reduce to 1% (or skimmed). Choose low fat cheeses and yogurt. When you buy yogurt, try to make sure that it is sugar-free.

2. Eat at least two portions of fruit every day. This can be after a meal as a dessert or as a snack. Try to buy fruit that is in season.

3. Drink water rather than sodas, fruit juice or milky drinks and try to avoid alcohol altogether. Also avoid diet soda. The sweet taste will only encourage you to crave sugar.

4. Have at least two portions of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you still feel hungry, have some more.

5. Don't race through your meals. Your body is slow to let you know when you're full and if you eat quickly, you'll eat too much. That's why you feel full and bloated some time after you've eaten. Eat slowly, you'll feel full when you're full and you'll eat less.

Follow these tips and you'll find it easier to lose the weight that you want to lose. If you lapse, just get back on target as soon as possible but don't give up!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Are You Looking For a Burn Calories Calculator to Optimize Your Weight Loss Goals?

If you are serious about wanting to burn calories, a calculator that will keep track of these items is an absolute necessity unless you are extremely organized. Since most people lead very busy lives, it becomes somewhat unpractical to add another thing to keep track of during the day. Do you know what to look for in a device of this type?

It doesn't matter the reason that you want to lose pounds and inches, the thing that really matters is the willpower necessary to maintain a dietary regimen that will help you to achieve your goal. This is probably the biggest problem with most of the programs that are readily available today. While they are great in theory, most people get bored or can't follow such a rigid structure that is necessary to obtain optimum results.

By gaining access to such a specialty aide as a burn calories calculator, you are removing yet another obstacle to your weight loss goal. As more of the barriers are cleared away, it is easier to see that target in the distance. This will become quite clear the longer that you are able to maintain the necessary diet and exercise program that you have selected. By faithfully keeping track of the caloric intake, eating just enough food becomes much easier, and the cravings slowly begin to disappear.

When you are ready to select a diet and exercise program that is right for you, it might be easier to coordinate this with the burn calories calculator. This FREE program goes great with some of the customized diet plans that are easily accessible on the internet. Remember to select the one that will work the best with your weight loss goals and is flexible enough to work with different body types. In this way you are more likely to achieve your new body and loss that excess weight

HCG Weight Loss Shots

HCG weight loss shots is the latest weapon in America's (and everybody else's who believes it) arsenal against obesity. Or so many proponents of the HCG diet would have you believe. It may or may not be true. The question is a source of much controversy and is open to debate. This being the case you would be wondering where to look for information concerning this.

The Federal Drug and Food Administration could be your first stop. As you know, the FDA has to approve any drug whatever purpose it may have been developed for. Not just the drug, but its uses as well. You could check out how the FDA takes HCG weight loss shots. It is common enough knowledge that FDA has not approved use of HCG for weight loss. In fact it requires that anybody who promotes its use for the purpose should get the patient's signature on a document saying that FDA has not approved its use for treatment or control of obesity loss and does not think it safe. Still, you may want to find out for yourself.

Another good source of information about the HCG weight loss shots would be your physician. Since HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a naturally occurring hormone with natural functions, every physician worth his salt would know of it. If you consider your physician trustworthy then she would be your best source of information regarding HCG's effectiveness in weight loss as well as any potential hazards and side effects.

You may also search for scientific studies conducted by various scientists on the effectiveness of HCG weight loss shots. There have been multiple studies conducted and most of them seem to indicate that HCG is ineffective in promoting weight loss or reducing cravings in women who are subjected to severe dieting. In any case, you may find the studies by searching on the internet. Some of them may not be available for free, but you will be able to read the abstract which would contain the results. You could verify their authenticity from the details of the data and the trial procedure provided as well as the authors' own credentials.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Finding a Weight Loss Product Attorney

If you've been victimized or defrauded by a weight loss product or service, then you need a weight loss product attorney to file a formal complaint against the manufacturer. How do you know if you have grounds to file a lawsuit? Here is a rundown of just some of the phony weight loss supplements and products sold in the market, according to the FDA> If you have used some of them and suffered side effects and other such consequences, you should consult a weight loss product attorney and explore your options.


Here Are a Few Powerful Tips For Quick Weight Loss

Healthy weight loss does not have to be slow as molasses. You can create a snowball effect by initiating rapid weight loss for two weeks then back off your strict program in favor of a regular fat burning program. It is perfectly reasonable to change up your program as long as you are following a few key rules.

Weight loss should translate into fat loss. The key factor in effective fat loss is increasing your metabolic rate.

We can realize a significant shift in effective fat burning by switching from a sugar based primary energy source; carbohydrates such as breads, pasta etc., to a protein/fat based system. The core of a healthy mono unsaturated fat/high quality protein program allows for more efficient metabolic increases and greater energy expenditures.

High protein diets that burn healthy fats have shown to offer greater mental focus and energy than carbohydrate based diets. With increased energy and sharper mental focus, you are more likely to enjoy the program and look forward to activities and exercise.

High protein diets that are rich in monounsatureated fats help to regulate the fat hormone leptin. This hormone helps to regulate the body's hunger switch. You want to be able to feel satisfied after you've eaten and ensure that this feeling of fullness will last for several hours.

We want to regulate this hormone in order to satisfy our hunger pangs but also to regulate our fat storage. Leptin will cause increased fat storage in elevated levels. This system has worked effectively for many people who have tried unsuccessfully in the past to reduce their weight through dieting and exercise.

It is a good idea to get a thorough checkup before embarking on a diet and exercise program to rule out any diseases that might hinder your progress. Thyroid disorders, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases can all have adverse effects on a weight loss program.

The increased levels of cortisol can affect your ability to lose weight as well. This stress hormone can inhibit your body's ability to process glucose properly. Simple blood or saliva tests can identify increased levels of cortisol and steps can be taken to regulate it.